How DVD And Blu-Ray Differ

How does DVD and Blu-Ray differ, however the technology is being refined. It is definitely clear that DVD and Blu-Ray differ will continue in one format or another. Many of you have probably been hearing about the differences in Blu-ray and HD-DVD discs for the next generation. The discrepancies are confusing to many home theater buyers. It’s important to know what each of these new technologies has to offer.


What is Blu-ray. Blu-ray discs have the ability to record, rewrite, and playback on high definition televisions. Unlike traditional DVDs, Blu-ray discs can hold nearly five times as much data on a single layer. They can hold 25GB of data, and 50GB can be stored on a disc. Blu-ray discs are able to easily store advanced information in HD format.

High Definition-DVD

HD-DVD offers the same technology, though it can’t hold as much information as Blu-ray. While this may be less than Blu-ray, the data capacity is enough to watch movies in high-definition. HD-DVD also came out much sooner then standard DVD format. Clearly, HD-DVD is completely compatible with HD-DVD players and HD televisions. The technology is certainly the wave of the future for home entertainment.

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Disc Comparison

Both Blu-ray and high definition-DVD discs use a new format of laser. While, older standard DVD models used a red laser. These two technologies use a blue-violet laser instead. The main benefit with using blue-violet lasers is that they have a shorter wavelength than red lasers. This means that they can be focused with a much higher rate of accuracy.

Differences in Disc

As you can see the differences between these two formats are very few. In short, Blu-ray is able to hold more information than high definition-DVD, but high definition-DVD has been around for a longer. Both formats use blue-violet lasers to better read the information.

Which is Best

Which format will end up on top. Blu-ray has the advantage of being backed by major movie players. Major Hollywood movie studios have released films in Blu-ray. While some of them are releasing films exclusively on Blu-ray. HD-DVD has the backed by major electronics manufacturers. However, being around longer and consumers familiar with the name, it’s possible for them to pull ahead. The race to be the top home entertainment format will continue. The consumer will simply need to wait to see which one wins. In the meantime, players are present for both formats and some manufacturers have both formats.

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