Reasons To Harness Solar Power

Reasons to Harness Solar Power

Solar energy is energy that is derived from the sun. That’s one of the reasons to harness solar power The sun is an abundant source of energy. The Sun gives us heat and light. Clearly, the sun been revered by several cultures of the past and even by a few cultures still present today. The ancient Egyptians even worshiped the sun as a God. These are reasons to harness solar power.

Abundance and Limitless

Harnessing solar power is not misplaced respect. The sun certainly is an abundant and limitless source of power. Nonetheless, at least for several generations to come; the merits for using its solar energy are numerous.

It’s free

Every morning with each dawn solar energy is released by the sun comes filtering through our atmosphere. It provides light and helps to radiate heat. This has been happening for millions of years. Although, yet it is only recently that we have begun to capitalize on this source power. The energy from the sun is clean and free of any pollutants. Unlike various sources of energy present today. Like petroleum or organic fuels that leave back residues and harmful gases to create energy.

Ancient History

In the past the Greeks and the Egyptians have been known to harness the power of the sun to heat whatever. The sun has been burning for roughly four and a half billion years. It’s likely to burn on for another four to five billion years to come. Importantly, that’s definitely more than our lifetimes. Definitely, every morning it promptly shows up and vanishes for the evening while it lights up another portion of the globe.


The sun did not come about for nothing. Assuming the sun is shining brightly, depending on where you are on earth. Either store it away or utilize its energy in a different ways. There is no restriction on how much energy we can use from the sun. Apparently, the amount of energy that comes from the sun every few minutes if successfully harnessed. We can power the entire United States of America for a whole year. Without a doubt, if we were only able to harness the sun we would be able to solve all the worlds’ energy problems.

Wasted Solar Energy

Ever wonder why no one thought about this earlier? Is there’s energy just lying around? We simply cannot seem to efficiently harness it? How is it that so much of the suns energy seems to go totally unnoticed and wasted? Well one of the reasons that sunlight is wasted because it’s thinly dissipated across the earth to create enough energy to harness it. For us to be able to actually harness the power of the sun we have to be able to manipulate, focus and store the sun’s energy. While this may seem simple it is easier said than done. So far, we have only managed to develop three partially successful means of collecting solar energy.

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The Reflection Method – Mirrors / Parabola

The reflection method is based on the concentration of the sun’s rays on a single or a set of mirrors. Concentrated onto one point to create heat energy that is produced for our need. A parabolic mirror much like a dish antenna can be used to capture the sun’s rays and focus them on a single point.

The radiation method

This is the principle behind the solar water heaters. Painted black pipes sandwiched between two layers of glass, have water inside them that is heated thanks to the rays of the sun.

Solar panels

The solar cell is composed of treated silicon crystals. So when hit by the rays of the sun knock electrons out of their orbits. Thereby create a void that needs to be filled by electrons from the other silicon crystals. This creates an imbalance of electrons and hence a flow of current. Where energy can be either immediately utilized or else stored away in a rechargeable battery.

What’s stopping us?

Despite the apparent benefits of using solar power it is most unfortunate that there are very few solar power plants around the world. Sadly, with today’s level of technology, cost and reliability are two major factors that are still hurdles in the way of mass usage of solar energy.

The most efficient solar cells created today are still not capable of generating enough power. It need to be commercially viable without occupying huge space. Reliance on solar cells in not yet practical. If there were to be a cloudy day it could reduce the amount of electricity generated. That would be disastrous for those people completely reliant on that energy.

On the bright side, constant innovation and research on solar energy is resulting in much more efficient solar cells that are a fraction of the size of existing cells and churn out much more power. For now they are still expensive, but not far is the day when they will be affordable and available to the common man.

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