Cooking With The Power of the Sun

Solar Concept

Understanding the concept of cooking with the power of the sun and heating homes. Mainly, fewer realize it can be used to cook food and sterilize water.

Cooking with the Power of the Sun

Solar ovens are pretty much what it sounds like. Using It to cook food and sterilize water. Most people do not even know it exist, but they are effective way to cook from both an economic and efficiency point of view.

The basic idea to solar cooking, create a box like structure that the sun heats up dramatically. If you have sat in a car in rush hour during the summer, you know the sun can make a lot of heat. Instead of cooking you in a car, a solar oven focuses on food.

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So, how do we cook with it? The box structure creates with dark paneling and then covers a clear glass or plastic top after pots and food or water has been inserted. The structures sealed. Much like a car, the sunlight beats through the clear top and heats the interior of the box. As the heat rises, it cooks the items inside. Yes, it produces more than enough heat to do the job. It really that simple. Yes

There are three general types of solar ovens. A solar box works as described in the previous paragraph. A panel oven uses reflective surfaces to focus the sun on a pot to create heat and cook the material inside. A parabolic version, designed to focus the sunlight into the bottom of a concave area upon which sits pots. There are variations of these three forms, but all solar cooking designs are derived from these basic forms.

More fun and efficient while cooking with the sun. Most people will never apply it in their home because of obvious design issues. At a cabin or when camping, however, a perfect solution.

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